Instruction for Oral Presentation
1. Young Investigator Colloquium:
Date: 5th March 2023 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM
Duration of each presentation: maximum 12 minutes followed by 3 minutes discussion
2. Prof. Nurul Islam Award:
Date: 5th March 2023 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM
Duration of each presentation: maximum 7 minutes followed by 2 minutes of Q&A
Instructions for Poster Presentation
Size: 100 cm height X 100 cm width.
Display of the poster:
Please display the poster at the venue on 4th March 2023 in the morning.
It can remain on display until the end of the day (Evening of 4th March 2023).
The presenting author should be present at the poster during the interactive poster session (14:00 – 15:30 hrs. on 4th March 2023).
3. Identification of poster board:
All poster boards will be numbered.
Numbers will be indicated in the abstract book.
4. Pushpins/tape will be provided at the venue.